HB 14"x6.5" Brass Snare Drum


HB Brass Shell 14"x6.5" Snare Drum Pro Quality, Bright Punchy Sound

Have you ever had the dream of being able to play an acoustic guitar? Do you ever walk past a shop that sells them, and get the urge to go inside pick one up, feel the sturdy neck and caress the strings to play a tune? Did you ever wonder how much it would cost to learn to play one? Or have you wondered just how difficult it would be to learn maybe?

The outstanding qualities that the acoustic guitar has, often leads people to approach it with too much awe. They can't see that the music comes not from the guitar but from the person that plays it.

Although you might get the idea that acoustic guitars are some kind of magical instruments there is nothing really that special in their make up. It is just their music that conveys that special mysticism that surrounds them. Think about when you were little and learned to write. At first it seems like you have achieved something that is wonderful but eventually it becomes second nature to undertake all kinds of writing assignments with a mere pencil being the instrument that allows you to do this. This is the same with an acoustic guitar, it is merely the instrument that allows you and your skill to make beautiful music. And as far as learning to play the acoustic guitar, the same principles like learning to write apply. You start to doodle first by playing around with it and then you get more and more the feel of it till music starts to pour out from your fingers into the guitar.

Imagine how good it would be to be sitting in front of your friends and family and show off your newly acquired talent of being able to play the guitar you just bought. Do you ever think in frustration that if you only had the time you could seriously get down to the business off learning to play.

Indeed an acoustic guitar does come across as a fairly compelling instrument, especially if you never played it before. When music comes out of guitars it stands head and shoulders above the sounds of most other instruments which is why it is so popular. Practice enough and you can almost play any tune.

You will not be wasting your time if you take the time and energy to learn how to play the acoustic guitar. So if you happen to have one gathering dust in the attic, then go get it, or go and buy one at your local music store. Whatever you do, you will not be disappointed.

Acoustic Guitar - The Joy of Playing the Acoustic Guitar

When it comes to the sound of the acoustic guitar a feeling of romance is sure to be conjured up by the many aficionados of this great musical instrument. The music spectrum of this instrument include hot spicy flamenco dance numbers and soft and melodic songs with many textures of sound and melody. Not many people will appreciate the range of music an acoustic guitar has, but just about everyone will recognise the beautiful tunes that an acoustic guitar makes.

Built for the (94-95) Honda Civic... Feel the Spirit within the Street Stage For spirited drivers, stock factory pads may feel stressful at times. With this drivers in mind, Endless created the Vita Nuova compound brake pad. These pads have better pedal feel and control compared to factory pads, but still stop well when cold unlike race pads. Furthermore these pads dust less and are quiet to provide a comfortable, safe, and attractive package for performance street drivers. This is what Vita Nuova is about. A typical stock factory brake pads life and noise level are crucial factors during development. Engineers compromise braking potential, leaving the pads with a low average coefficient of friction. Many have probably experienced scary braking situations where the pedal suddenly felt soft. Vita Nuova ups the level of the average coefficient of friction providing more consistent and safe stopping power. The Vita Nuova is an economical compound made with the utmost quality. Drivers will experience a soft gripping pedal feel with superior initial response and minimal dust and noise levels.Specs:-0.30-0.35 Average Coefficient of Friction-0-570 Degree F Temperature Range

There was a great article in the August 06 edition of Electronic Musician called Keep on the Sunny Side. The author, known only as Larry the Q, noted that although a full spectrum of moods [is present] in pop and rock lyrics, they seem disproportionately skewed toward unhappiness.

What if you could listen to or even create music that would do just that? What if you could be a part of a music movement that would create positive experiences for people who really crave them. What if you could change someones outlook with your thoughtful words and great musicwould you take the opportunity? There are many writers who are challenging themselves to use their craft to improve the world instead of complain about the broken state of it. You could be a songwriter who could affect many lives exponentially with one positive song.

Write Positive Music!

The truth is, its hard to write positive music that doesnt sound bubble-gummy or preachy. And, although the great heartbreaker tunes that can bring you to a cathartic cry have their place, positive songs can do something else for the listenerthey can inspire.

For all those people who are using the Law of Attraction to create a positive day-to-day life experiences, positive music is the soundtrack for your endeavors. For all those who are people of faith, regardless of affiliation, positive music can deepen your faith and open your heart toward understanding, tolerance and hope. For all those who are looking for a drug substitute, caffeine substitute, or even something to invigorate the dreaded morning work-out, positive music is the best high going!

Whats the point of writing positive music? Doesnt everyone just want a little validation as they go through lifes woes? You know what Im talking about; a good bluesy, I-lost-my-girlfriend, got-no-money-and-my-dog-just-died, misery-loves-company kind of song?

How often in todays culture are we inspired? Theres a lot of well-produced pop music out there, but does it lift you up? Does it encourage you to rise to your potential? Do these songs ask you to pay attention to lifes details that are so often overlooked, yet amazingly inspiring? Do these songs charge you with that I can do anything I put my mind to kind of energy?

Dont get me wrong, I love a good, sympathetic song when things just arent right; but, most of the time, Im trying to get to the happiest place I can each day. And nothing can help that effort along like a good positive song.

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